Which products you can bring on Hajj/ Umrah

Which products you can bring on Hajj/ Umrah

Which products you can bring on Hajj/Umrah

My answer is ALL ✨

( read the post carefully )

Dlm video tu i pakai my skincare routine as per usual, lepas dah mandi sunat ihram tu                  ( ikut ustaz hj zawawi, rasulullah pun wangi2 nak haji n umrah tp sebelum niat lah, ms mandi sunat tu boleh , lepas dh niat kt miqat tu xboleh )



1.Rose Mist 💋

2.Dew Drops 💋

3.Hydra Boost Serum

4.Aqua boost water cream moisturizer

5.Pure Beauty Oil 💋


7.Glo Nectar ni wajib 2x a day ( pagi n malam utk immune booster, energy booster and also protect skin from kena extreme sunburn n dryness )

8. Reapply Sunscreen 💋


Atas train, i reapply skincare , so sbb dah niat ihram masa ni i xpakai mana yg i letak symbol 💋 tu sbb yg tu ada scent ( even very mild pun mmg dia bau wangi so xboleh ), tp kalau pg solat, pg tawaf sunat, semua boleh ❤️

Malam i ganti hydra boost serum dgn Vitamin Potion serum and if i tawaf time zuhur , malam tu wajib pakai sleeping mask to repair back skin yg dh exposed to extreme sun tu


Matahari sgt terik during the days, so oral sunblock is really important, i will make sure i take 1 @glonectar pagi n another sachet malam

before tido. Why? Bila u travel u akan neglect ur skincare routine n then ur skin akan dry, flaky nampak kusam mcm Ashrul dia makan glonectar je sbb dia pemalas skincare, kalau i xpakaikan dia jalannnn je lah xde hal. Pastu skin kering, pedih, esp kalau winter.
